Monday, December 10, 2012

Chapter 7: business marketing

Apple always finds new and exciting ways to tap into the business market. With its heavy selling products such as the iPod, iPad, and the iPhone, there's no wonder why they are the leading company in technological advances and innovation. Apple taps into several markets such as generation X and Y, baby boomers, Tweens and everyone else in between. The company itself has made a long lasting impression on its customers that keeps them coming back for more. Apple also expands its target area by advertising their products globally with more sales generating outside the country rather than in. Apple continues to be the number one leader in technological advancements and part of its success comes from who, and how they market their product.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Chapter 8: Segmenting and Managing Products

 Market Segmentation is the process of dividing a market into meaningful, relatively similar, and identifiable segments or groups, which helps marketers understands the wants and needs of their customers. Apple targets it's users to give them best consumer experience as possible. For example, Apple will target consumers who use their Ipod Nano product, and they'll just simply "Spice it up" a bit! When the first Nano was released, it was made with a non-visible screen, and it wasn't touch screen! With the new launch of the new Ipod Nano back in September, Apple found a way to tap into it's consumers wants and needs by creating the first all touch-screen Ipod Nano(To have the same feel as the Iphone and Itouch) Which now allowed their customers to have a full view of their product right at their fingertips! Apple also taps market segmentation by creating products solely for those who need them, like the Imac for students, and producers, or Artists, or The Ipad for college students. Apple also release all of their products at reasonable prices, which keeps it's customers coming back for more. Apple products simply can't be beat!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Chapter 11: Developing and Managing Products

When developing a new product, it's important to make sure that the product or service you're selling is up to date, this way consumers can buy your product. New products are important to sustain growth, increase revenues and profits, and replace obsolete items. Apple continues to be the leading manufacturer in electronics, and it all stems from the way they develop and manage their products. Apple uses the help of their customers to generate new ideas and concepts for their products every 6 months as part of their think different strategy in which they brainstorm on certain ideas and how they will market them to the public. This ensures that apple keeps up with the latest technology and consumers wants and needs. There are huge expectations for apples products, and the outcome of it's product releases are far better than expected!

Apple also manage their products by dishing out millions of dollars in advertisements in television and newspapers to promote their products to the public, down to the tee, as to what the product can do and more. Ads still continue to be a huge promotional strategy for Apple.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Chapter 16: Intergrated Marketing Communications

 There are a lot of factors that come into play when speaking of apples success. Apple success has increased rapidly due to it's Promotional Strategy, which consists of many concepts. The company uses on particular type of Promotional methods to help get their "message" across to their customers. The promotional tool the company uses is, of course, advertising. Ever since apple's huge promotional ad with the "Ipod People" back in the early 2000's, apple has managed to to create tons of ads that can be found, virtually, on any television network, Magazine/Newspapers, and of course, the internet. They have also came up with particular promotional marketing strategies that show just how different and unique their company can be. For example in 2008, Apple came out with the "Mac and Pc" Televisions ads, which were to promote the Apple Imac laptops. One side describes a rather older man in business attire and a young man who has a more distinct flare to him. Apple has made millions of dollars on advertising, but generates billions of dollars in revenue sales from it's consumers, which keeps the company at the top of their game

Monday, November 12, 2012

Chapter 10: Product Concepts

      Apple has found many new and interesting ways to market and their products. They do this extremely well with their branding strategies. As stated in the text, Branding has three main agendas. 1: Product Identification, 2: Repeat Sales, and 3: New Product Sales. They simply brand their products with the highest caliber, keeping them at the top of their game. The companies logo and late founder, Steve Jobs are what initially come to mind when asked about branding, seeing as how both have played a major role in Apple's success and prosperity. Apple Markets and Brands their products by simply putting their selves in the customers shoes, and ask themselves, what do we want in out product? They tap into major technological advances like the Iphone, Ipad, and Ipad, all that give you the latest in enhanced technology, with the opportunity to do everything you need to do on the go, like checking your E-mail, or even purchasing tickets online to see a movie, all at the convenience of your fingertips. This has surely, become one of the prominent factors of Apple's success

Monday, November 5, 2012

Chapter 18: Sales Promotion and Personal Selling

Apple use the help of sales promotion to increase their products value. Apple does this in many ways. The Apple company uses promotional methods using short- term techniques to persuade their target audience, whether its Generation X, Y, or pre-teens, or everyone else in between. For example, Apple taps into the sales promotion market by creating money back guarantees on all their products, lower their prices on all their models after a short period of time, and rebates. Apple customers are given the opportunity to surf the web on all devices and test out their features while in it's stores. This ensures that the customer feels comfortable and gets familiar with the product they are about to buy. All year long, Apple uses their promotional tactics on College students, allowing them to buy such tech-savy products The Macbook Pro and Ipad at low prices, or what they like to call "Apple Education Pricing".

Monday, October 22, 2012

Chapter 17: Advertising and Public Relations

  Many positive outcomes come  from advertising your products. The advertising response function is a phenomenon in which for advertising and sales promotion increases sales or market share up to a certain level but then produces diminishing returns. The Apple company does at great and effective job of advertising their products. It's advertising market has continues to grow and grow annually, which began to expand over two decades ago with popular ads such as the 1984 super bowl ad, the think different campaign in the 1990's, and the Ipod people in the early 2000's. They've also advertised the Iphone, Ipad, and Itouch modules in creative and interesting ways which helped the company in growth.Their advertising methods fall under Institutional advertising, Product advertising, and Pioneering advertising.