Monday, November 12, 2012

Chapter 10: Product Concepts

      Apple has found many new and interesting ways to market and their products. They do this extremely well with their branding strategies. As stated in the text, Branding has three main agendas. 1: Product Identification, 2: Repeat Sales, and 3: New Product Sales. They simply brand their products with the highest caliber, keeping them at the top of their game. The companies logo and late founder, Steve Jobs are what initially come to mind when asked about branding, seeing as how both have played a major role in Apple's success and prosperity. Apple Markets and Brands their products by simply putting their selves in the customers shoes, and ask themselves, what do we want in out product? They tap into major technological advances like the Iphone, Ipad, and Ipad, all that give you the latest in enhanced technology, with the opportunity to do everything you need to do on the go, like checking your E-mail, or even purchasing tickets online to see a movie, all at the convenience of your fingertips. This has surely, become one of the prominent factors of Apple's success

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