Monday, December 3, 2012

Chapter 8: Segmenting and Managing Products

 Market Segmentation is the process of dividing a market into meaningful, relatively similar, and identifiable segments or groups, which helps marketers understands the wants and needs of their customers. Apple targets it's users to give them best consumer experience as possible. For example, Apple will target consumers who use their Ipod Nano product, and they'll just simply "Spice it up" a bit! When the first Nano was released, it was made with a non-visible screen, and it wasn't touch screen! With the new launch of the new Ipod Nano back in September, Apple found a way to tap into it's consumers wants and needs by creating the first all touch-screen Ipod Nano(To have the same feel as the Iphone and Itouch) Which now allowed their customers to have a full view of their product right at their fingertips! Apple also taps market segmentation by creating products solely for those who need them, like the Imac for students, and producers, or Artists, or The Ipad for college students. Apple also release all of their products at reasonable prices, which keeps it's customers coming back for more. Apple products simply can't be beat!

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