Monday, November 5, 2012

Chapter 18: Sales Promotion and Personal Selling

Apple use the help of sales promotion to increase their products value. Apple does this in many ways. The Apple company uses promotional methods using short- term techniques to persuade their target audience, whether its Generation X, Y, or pre-teens, or everyone else in between. For example, Apple taps into the sales promotion market by creating money back guarantees on all their products, lower their prices on all their models after a short period of time, and rebates. Apple customers are given the opportunity to surf the web on all devices and test out their features while in it's stores. This ensures that the customer feels comfortable and gets familiar with the product they are about to buy. All year long, Apple uses their promotional tactics on College students, allowing them to buy such tech-savy products The Macbook Pro and Ipad at low prices, or what they like to call "Apple Education Pricing".

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